Teaching Assistants

TA Training Workshop Video
Video archive of the TA Training Workshop intended for all teaching assistants in the Faculty of Engineering. Topics include Introduction to Teaching, Online Teaching Tips + Netiquette, and Introduction to Grading.
Eva Mueller and Daniella Pallisco

Grad Students - Build your Professional Skills
Calling all Engineering Graduate Students
A seven-module interactive program to help build your professional skills.
Topics: Cracking The Market, Launching a Career in Industry, Launching a Career in Academia, Planning your Career, Becoming an Effective Communicator, Customer Discovery and Creating a Pitch

TA Training in Engineering
An MS Teams Channel has been created for TA's to submit questions and have them answered there. Once your request to join has been accepted, you will have access to all of the TEAMS channels. Includes: "Ask Me Anything"

Teaching Assistant Training
This manual is intended to summarise the information conveyed in the McMaster Engineering TA Training Workshop, as well as introduce some addition information which is not covered.