
Research Intelligence
Information on Authorship, Copyright, Intellectual Property and Ownership of Student Work

Research, Integrity, Professionalism and Intellectual Property
Workshop presentation notes by Gay Yuyitung, McMaster Industry Liaison Office
How to Navigate Intellectual Property when Mentoring Students and Working with Industry
Workshop presentation material by Glen Crossley, Assistant Director, Business Development, McMaster Industry Liaison Office (MILO) and Michael Thompson, Associate Dean (Graduate Studies), Faculty of Engineering
- Recognize the rights of students to intellectual property in funded research and course-based projects
- Learn strategies on who to employ based on the needs of the work to be done•Learn how to transition a discovery from the lab to a patent, and when it can be publicly disclosed
- Understand how copyright and authorship affects the publishing of theses, papers, conference proceedings, etc.
- Understand who to approach at the university for assistance